“On Leaving Community”

My first article in a "big" magazine was published in April 1982. I met the editor of  The OtherSide Magazine—Mark Olson— during a retreat at the beautiful Kirkridge Retreat Center in Bangor, PA, the previous summer. When I began unraveling the story of my four years in an intentional Christian Community, he asked If I'd be willing to write about it.  

Never one to refuse adventure, I enthused "Sure!" and penned my first magazine article, part-exposé but mostly memoir, documenting my wild ride in an offbeat Christian community. 

I named no names or places and spared some blushes. While total truth-telling was tempting, I didn't want to torch bridges. I still loved and cared for many of these folks, even if communal living wasn't all campfire songs and daisy chains.

Reactions from my inner circle were unexpectedly mixed. Another former member, one of my former professors, had already left because of how she was treated while living there. I sent her a copy, thinking she'd feel relieved and supported since I'd echoed some of her concerns. Her response? "How dare you air the community's dirty laundry in public!" That was not the expected response— cue research into Stockholm Syndrome.

A close friend asked: "Would you join that group again?" My resounding answer? "Yes!" For better or worse, those years shaped me profoundly.

Hardship honed my discipline. Hijinks highlighted my quirky, gallows humor. I learned to trust my intuition and twist life's lemons into lemonade. And amid all the chaos and drama, I met people who influenced and even changed my life. And thanks to this experience,  I found my voice. 

On Leaving Community by Natalie Zett. Published in TheOtherSide Magazine, Philadelphia, PA. 1 of 3

On Leaving Community by Natalie Zett. Published in TheOtherSide Magazine, Philadelphia, PA. 2 of 3

On Leaving Community by Natalie Zett. Published in TheOtherSide Magazine, Philadelphia, PA. 3 of 3

The OtherSide Magazine cover. April 1982

natalie zett

I've been a writer, actor, photographer, and musician and have worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and papers since I was in my late teens.

My favorite writing job was working for an award-winning community newspaper in Saint Paul, the Park Bugle.

I’ve also taught others how to write for community newspapers at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN. And, during the last few years, I became a family historian.


My almost interview with Garrison Keillor


Regrets, I've Had a Few - And Now I'm Better For It! Honest!